Jan Cox Talk 0308

Ultimate Evil = Denial


Audio =  The first 11 minutes of the audio stream contains  Kyroots that are not on the video.

December 31, 1987
AKS/News Item Gallery = jcap 1987-12-31 (0308)
Condensed AKS/News Items = See Below
Summary= See Below
Transcript=out for editing


Jan Cox Talk #308 ** Dec 31, 1987 ** – 1:49
Notes by TK

Kyroot to :11.

Update of “ultimate evil” = denial: the knowing withdrawal of even ordinary basic consciousness of what you’re doing; a kind of non-alcoholic inebriation of consciousness; a denial of responsibility. Question: how much of Yellow Circuit activity (thought) is used up to explain/excuse Blue Circuit misdeeds? Also, how much of Yellow Circuit activity (words) is used up in justification of those same previous thoughts? I.e., how much is said to cover up what is thought (not to/for others, but to yourself)? Never cease Revolutionary planning simply because the intended action is rendered moot or unreasonable, or impossibly obstructed.

This is a willful activity, planning, thinking-of-action for Revolutionary goals. All ordinary plans are nothing more than jockeying for position in the pack; up-scaling in the hierarchy—i.e., caring what others think/feel about you. The great Revolutionary teaching aids: deception and misdirection. The proper use of misdirection always transcends reason because reason is always linear. Consider what value misdirection could have in your own internal instruction; going beyond reason.

As long as your consciousness is based only on contrast, there can be no agreement, accord, 4-D serenity. Re:”differences”, there are none! (written on board: “and that is not some form of ‘ha-ha'”).

Curing, overcoming reasons = action; do it. This is the ultimate physical form of misdirection. Action is better than non-action in the cure of reasons.

The model of dominant/submissive dance as explanation of everything is absolutely contrary to ordinary hardwired tendency. Consider that even the fanatically domineering have the greatest need for submission. Guilt is the ever-present possibility of an internal dominating force available.  Everyone feels guilty, i.e., has the need to submit to a dominant figure. There are no reasons for guilt; it is a natural state of the dominant/submissive dance, arranged so as to be possible even when you are solo. Guilt is a stabilizing force.

1:49 epilogue. End 1:51

Condensed AKS

A person is not a Real Revolutionist if they do not have a
continuing awareness of their singularity.


The People still take consciousness to be a “who,” while
the Revolutionist recognizes it as a “what.” Consciousness not
of the “who-am-I?” variety, but of the “what-electro-chemical-
process-does-I-believe-it-is-anyway?” type.


Now here’s a subject that at first blush strikes me as truly
challenging: The Struggle To Improve On Patience.


When ordinary People speak of love it is just Life making
passing note of possible avenues of change and growth.


We could say that the Red Circuits can certainly “act,” and
the Yellow ones can “think-of-acting,” and I suppose you could
say that the Blue Circuits are the closest thing the Red has to
an ability to do the latter…sort of like an attempted
connection between the private and public voices.


Why does apparent spontaneity seem so different from actions
that are planned? Why the feel of distinction between musical
improvisation and the mere playing of someone else’s score? It
all comes from within a Man, so what might we be talking about?
Different energies? Dissimilar pressures involved? Or could it
be simply a matter of varied tempos?


In that the State’s preeminent Religions support the Ruling
Powers and not the Revolution, what might Life be indicating
regarding certain areas of creativity?


An oblique maxim for the malls-of-the-mind: Either “buy it
all,” or abandon shopping.


If you can see-the-cracks, you can jump-the-tracks (and be
somebody else).
Speaking of shopping malls and the like, I just gotta tell
you this: Over by their insurance counter, and near the
franchise spaces they rent out now to dentists and lawyers, one
Sears store set up a “Philosophy Booth” and on opening day their
resident pundit proclaimed the following, “He who hates stupidity
dislikes himself,” and when he heard this, one old-timer standing
next to me was so overcome that he nearly bought a pair of boots.


Over in one section of town I have run across groups of
People playing a new game, sort of “Intellectual One Down-
manship”, whereby one person might say, “Believe it or not, I
have never been to the symphony,” and another responds, “That’s
nothing, I’ve never actually read a full page of Shakespeare.”
It still sometimes surprises me what People in the City will do
to keep from being thought of as.


In the City, nothing is certain except the past, and
memory’s power over those who believe and trust in it.


After attending a history lecture, I once heard a fellow
muse to himself regarding some of the statistics just
encountered, “How can it be that throughout history, four percent
of Men have ruled the other ninety-six?” How indeed, can the few
so control the many. Now and then, it is good to find a person
not enslaved to that curious habit of self-inspection.


Even the basest of tyrannies are freely supported by some.
(Put THAT in your pipe-of-self-knowledge and see who salutes it.)


If the sign is correct and instructive that says, “If
temporarily out-of-order, please do not bang on this machine; the
owner is NOT inside,” then why do men continue to bang on one


Last Thursday, or maybe it was April, I heard this tall City
person dramatically hurl the challenge for anyone to refute his
contention that, “The prime, single source of all intellectual
error is in the mis-naming-of-things.” And although I didn’t
bother to do so, I could have replied, “Oh Yeah, now about the
NAMING of things.” Hump!

Books have been called many fine and poetic names, such as,
“Windows of the world,” “Man’s mental genealogy,” and
“Lighthouses in time,” yet never called what they are, packets of
freeze-dried info.


You know he’s becoming serious when an Enlistee begins to
ask, “When do I get to take The Oath?”


One death, murder; a multitude — TRIUMPH!


The more I think about it, the more I believe YOU should
think about it: Which is the ultimate City entertainment,
anticipation or guilt?


And from yet another view (number 726, I believe), this
revolutionary activity could be seen as the private struggle to
keep your ever blooming speech from strangling your


It kinda seems that by now, someone in the City would surely
wonder what use it is to offer up gifts and sacrifices to their
gods when history obscenely shows that those deities are
eventually going to wreck, and wrought every possible form of
havoc and sunshine regardless.


Two weeks ago, Wednesday, I heard the half-twin brother of a
previously featured Big-Town-Sorehead say, “You know, Kyroot, or
whatever your name really is, it seems like every time my brain
gets a hard-on my tongue gets impotent…and vicy versy.”
(Couldn’t ya just sometimes “grab-up” those City folks, and hug
’em real, real good.)


Another Official, Maybe-Law of “City Physics”: The more
mechanical and unavoidable something is, the slower it is, and
the more likely it seems to be related to the “D” family, why,
the more “serious” it’s just gotta seem. (Now, go “vice versy”


It is about time that the People properly recognize and
suitably acclaim hypocrisy, for without it, affairs in the City
would never efficiently progress from “point A to B,” go from
“good to better,” as men are predisposed to resist obvious


Try and hear what I allude beyond these words; brace your
young selves and blink not into the light, or the glint of the
rifle barrels. Listen up, and brave up, my little troopers. At
its own level, Life does not like OR dis-like Man. Insofar as
human life is concerned, Life simply IS. (And I gotta tell ya,
as far as I’m concerned, that’s plenty good enough for me.)


Although Enlistees cannot be expected to remember and apply
themselves to the Revolution one hundred percent of the time,
they can be bound to the duty, when they DO remember, of then
applying themselves with one hundred percent of their efforts and
energies. How could you POSSIBLY expect otherwise?


The ordinary could make partial sense of my Equation; they
could readily locate the “I-of-themselves,” but would take the
“Not-I” part as being clearly “out there,” existing somewhere
other than still in their own inner “I.” To City eyes, the
Equation seems to patently affirm that “A is A” and “B is B,” but
the Revolutionary understanding of it is that “A is also B” and
“B, A.” (It is only after you escape the metropolitan grip that
mathematics begin to smile, to sing and dance for your supper.)


It is, as you might have suspected, good ole Yellow-Circuit-
City-Consciousness that not only concocted the word “infinity,”
but then went right on to perceive of it as a posthumous affair.
(Couldn’t you sometimes just “pick up” the City, and give it a
big old hug and shake.)


If one person tells you they “like you but don’t understand
you,” you have dominating traits. If more than one person says
they “like you but don’t understand you,” you have charisma. If
many people say that they “respect you but don’t particularly
like you,” then you have the marina to launch an armada of
potential grief.


I heard that at one City Hospital a chap shoed up late one
evening absolutely insisting on surgery to remove, as he put it,
his “I-like-and-don’t-like-gland.” (Lucky for him Dr. Yoo Hoo
wasn’t on call.)


Beware, the flamingos of the mind.


Then there was this entertainer who was less than fully
confident of his dominant position who had an unlisted


Amongst those with whom I used to most closely meet and
speak, there would periodically arise the need for certain ones
of them individually to express some kind of “gratitude” to me.
So finally, to place it all in its proper perspective, I told
them that there wasn’t really much for them to “thank me” for;
all I had done was given their lives meaning.
