Jan Cox Talk 0108

Words Are Energy to Go, and Barbarians, Troubadours, and Philosophers


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Jan Cox Talk 108, May 10, 1984, runtime 1:50
Notes by TK

Words can explain everything except themselves. Words are energy for “take out”– energy “to go” –portable information.

The word “indecision” a hold on a potential energy transfer–yet is still its own energy transfer. Indecision is a type of decision!

No one is blameless–a non participant in the grid–for just by being you and being where you are, you are an unknowing participant.

Your response is always misdirected and tardy: A reaction.

The “arts” mirror sub-flows in the major flows. “Jazz” and “modern art” are examples. They cannot be defined, therefore defined by negative example, i.e. “that’s not jazz says the jazz critic (audience). “A continual sketching of an ever changing negative outline” = sub-flow or sub-force. Artists are editors of the Primal Flow (but so is every `I’).

Nothing ceases to exist. Energy forms change. Yet there seems to be a reality of things going out of existence. Why is it associated with negative occurrence?

There is the allure of the new, the grip of the familiar (the dictator, the tyrant).

“Habit is ordinary sanity–shackles are functional equilibrium.” Shackles = duties, responsibilities, ordinary chores etc. The Major Spheres of Overlapping Influence Chart: Dreams of Self–focal points: Red Circuit = barbarian fed from base location.  Blue Circuit = troubadour; Yellow Circuit = philosopher.


1. Dream of Self Survey:  With clipboard and pad’, survey 10 people: question–“Everyone has some dream of self improvement. If you have such a desire for self improvement would it fall into which of the following categories: to be more physically attractive or strong, to command more love and respect, i.e., fame; to have greater intellectual ability, i.e., knowledge”. Select people by watching primarily their head vs. torso vs.legs. try to predict which category they will choose. Consider your success or lack of same—the consistency of correlations? etc.
2. Find a “Dream Tree” tell out loud it your own answers to the survey. Repeat at 6 months.


…and Kyroot said:
Regardless of its oftimesbewildering, and frightening appearances
This Thing is a holy endeavor; however,
the proper understanding of the
word “holy” is available only in
the mind of tomorrow.
Thus it is that “goodness-
as-growth” does prevail, but Mans’ perception thereof forever remains
a day behind.

…and Kyroot said:
Words are as blood to the Yellow/Circuit, food for the mind, and you must take direct responsibility for this area of nourishment, the same as you would oversee the intake of fit food for
the physical circuits.

…and Kyroot said:
This Thing is indeed like the planning and construction of a tri-functional space flight, and while at first it seems overwhelming in complexity, and the destination far away, it later reveals a warm simplicity with an objective as close as

…and Kyroot said:
The excuse of, “I didn’t intend that result” for one’s speech or
behavior is not even conditionally
acceptable for those on this flight. Although not morally, or legally prohibited, for the Few it is a compounding of a circuitry felony.
(And the only court of appeals here is in one’s own determination not to look back with the equal commitment to by-pass the illusionary present.
In such sterile
no excuse can breed and survive.

…and Kyroot said:
Although I have often reminded you that This is not the critic of Man,
when any of its messages still strike you as such you are what could presently be called a bulls-eye in search of an arrow.

…and Kyroot said:
No system can properly describe its homeland, or origins.
This you should Consider from the far level of why Man’s mythological tales can never mention the fountainhead of the gods, to the more personal area of why one cannot trace the source
of one’s own program.

…and Kyroot said:
In the greater expansion of the triaxial-world, there is the power
of a tempo-spectrum wherein some
things move too swiftly, and others
too slowly to be perceived by ordinary
The overcoming of this present deficiency is not through improved technology, but by refined awareness.

…and Kyroot said:
I once heard a Man say that we must all, “row the boat we have,”
but that completely overlooks the possibility of trading in
your oars for an outboard motor.

…and Kyroot said:
It is incorrect to say that certain behavior is “emotional” as opposed to “intellectual,” or any other alternative, in that none of Man’s individual circuits are the true source of his actions.

(What could be non-verbally said is, “Good day to you, Senor Primal Flow”, and “Greetings, Senorita Grid.”)

…and Kyroot said:
Anything that any Man may be driven to say is true from the
charge of one triaxial viewpoint. This includes those views that may strike your particular charge as grossly slanderous, distorted and dangerous. But at the greater level it is no more confusing, or disruptive than the process of growth itself.

…and Kyroot said:
Man does not “attempt too much too soon,” Life does, and then must
back up a bit to stabilize itself for yet another run at tomorrow.
…and Kyroot said:
In Considering the actual life-of-Life, I once heard someone ponder
the question of “What does Life do for a living?”, and the answer of
course, is, live. Life lives for a living.
What about you?

…and Kyroot said:
All real change requires that you pay a price.
Everyone dreams of the merchandise, and likewise smiles at the cost
(I will note the possibilities of personally abolishing the first-of-the-month, and of turning debits into credits so that your master card shows a positive balance on that great horizontal day of dead reckoning.)

…and Kyroot said:
I once heard a mortal pundit conclude that, “The winds and tides are always on the side of the ablest navigator”, which sounds fine unless you realize that Man has never known where the hell He was going anyway.

(So Much For Truisms, part 6.)

…and Kyroot said:
The kind of great, immediate, and immutable change of which Men dream is impossible in that they are unknowing entertaining ideas of setting one single Force free to run wild; which, if such could be accomplished, would reveal a force of unimaginable madness and

(Tolerances however, are possible at a micro degree that would be intolerable on a macro level.
An artist of questionable talent though recognized in Heathhill would be ignored, if not trampled in London.

…and Kyroot said:
The ultimate are of This Thing is in being able to See that which is
yet unnamed.
The ultimate science is in being able to repel the force of repetition.

…and Kyroot said:
The accusations passed from Man to Man are as a search and demand
for D-responses.
Man is constructed to thusly respond,
and necessary energies go on their merry way.

(Here on the Project site of course, the working slogan is that “The only good such response is a short-wired response”)

…and Kyroot said:
If you’re not attempting something “new, new, new” everyday in all circuits,
then you’re doing something, “what, what, what?”

(You haven’t forgotten the seven deadly sins of, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition?)

…and Kyroot said:
I have heard human scientists state that “nature’s not interested in
productivity, only survival.” Which would bear some validity were it not for Man’s presence here.

…and Kyroot said:
When the ordinarily religious say that “We must be prepared to suffer for our beliefs.” They unknowing mean that, “Although we are D-peoples we must brace ourselves for the appearance of C-influences.

…and Kyroot said:
There are the vacuum-points even within one’s own yellow/circuit activity, and you must be prepared to willfully fill these openings between ordinary thought process, or else the flow of the Grid will make its own mechanical connections,
there you will be again.

…and Kyroot said:
There is a danger here on the construction site of certain peoples
living too much in their own heads. If you feel such a scene tugging at your sleeve,
do something ordinary; hit your thumb with a hammer, for

(It would also be good if you can learn to do such things in a non-physical fashion.)

…and Kyroot said:
Always be the first to say “Hello”, and the first to bid “Adieu.”

…and Kyroot said:
Since its inevitable anyway, you might as well go ahead and start
being non-sad & serious now & get used to it.
(You know, those who say that practice makes perfect obviously were never in bed
with an accordion.)

5/10/84- (25)
…and Kyroot said:
Have any of you yet to figure out why so much of people’s nightmares
about themselves is sexual in nature?
Have any of you yet to figure out
What’s better than a good laugh for
the confused.

…and Kyroot said:
While Life, on one level, moves slowly and gradually, Men, on their
level are driven to react and comment immediately.

…and Kyroot said:
The missing blood ingredient I have mentioned is in part, the
inability of Man’s circulation to tolerate and transport a
stronger mix of C-type nourishment
to the brain.

Real Emotion resides within particular cells in the C-blood, and is that which is necessary for real change both within Man and Life. You must expand and make your circulatory system strong enough to handle this emotion enriched, C-type
blood. This is the secret to drastic
change, and the escape from repetition.

…and Kyroot said:
At the ordinary level of binary consciousness, all thoughts and maps seem to come to ends of sentences, and to edges of papers, while on an expanded level they are circulatory.
If one attempted to trace the source of electrical power in one’s home, he might first refer to the power stations feeding directly into the residence; then trace its power to the near-by rivers turning the turbines, then connect this to the rainfall that feeds the rivers. But then one must put Man’s presence into the line of enquiry, whose existence produces the proper atmospheric conditions for the cycle of rain-evaporation-rain, and thus you are returned to the home of the Man from whence you began the search.
And just think: This is on a relatively simple level, and yet such matters elude the continuing grasp of ordinary consciousness.

…and Kyroot said:
Why does the cry of, “We’ll go down with the ship” only arise from
areas of landlocked captains?

…and Kyroot said:
Why does the cry of, “There’ll be a better life bye-&-bye” arise
from those who can’t seem to get it right this time around?

…and Kyroot said:
Why is the cry of, “Hey, come over here quick.” always followed by
either disappointment, or a fist fight?

…and Kyroot said:
Ordinary Men often claim that they are only “doing what god tells me to do.”And they are unknowingly correct; however, they cannot properly identify the charge of their particular driving force-god, nor can they ever see that “he” is but one third of the total force, and subject to change his charge faster than a rabbi can insult a pig.

The “gods”, that is, the three major manifestations of the Primal Flow, are speaking to, and through Man, but you must have a good connection, and be sure of the origins of the

…and Kyroot said:
Further Hints Regarding E-Flow,(part.11): Consider the ways in which Man uses the idea of the unknown in His everyday speech, as when He says such things as: “Although the balance of trade has reached a dangerous level of disequilibrium, for some reason the dollar is stronger than ever in foreign markets, so who is to say what truly
lies ahead?’
The continuing unknown variables lying just beyond the boundaries of the binary outlook.

5/10/84- (34)
…and Kyroot
Anything, including day dreams, that causes suffering is D-based,
no matter what “spiritual” words may be involved in its description.
You must learn to shift the center toward the “C,” or else just ignore it, whatever
it may be.

…and Kyroot said:
What Men call differing “viewpoints” are in fact like different electrical charges with each of the varying views acting as opposing charges furnishing friction necessary for growth.

…and Kyroot said:
How is it, do you suppose, that things are arranged in such a way
that I can explain the way in which
things are arranged?

…and Kyroot said:
What Man refers to as “information” equals “food” and Life develops
and grows through Man’s expanding ability to accept and process new food.

(From this basis you might also be able to see
ordinary psychology as a study of “what-people” swapping recipes.)

…and Kyroot said:
When ordinary people pursue activities mechanically pertinent to their own systems they are seeking small amounts of new food/energy, but this is so controlled by their present position in the energy-grid as to cause red-circuit-people to seek out only new sports, and yellow circuit-people to search for new books, and soon all possible nooks and crannies are filled, and low level boredom reigns anew.

It is in
your own expansion of areas designed for the future that freedom from this
stagnation lies.

…and Kyroot said:
Most of Man’s “arts” are but D’s reminder of its continuing influence.
(So much for Michelangelo, Merle Haggard, and Reader’s Digest.)

…and Kyroot said:
How alluring, captivating, and strangely satisfying to immediately
feel and voice opposition to the new and unexpected.
How foreign, elusive, and curiously disturbing to be a channel for the fresh and

This is not due to “individual psychological problems”, but is rather, a reflection of a complex chemical reality.

…and Kyroot said:
Man is hard-wired for stagnation.
His perceptions of his own circuitry are based on binary programs, and nothing less than access to the main frame will reveal data necessary for extenuation of the system.

…and Kyroot said:
You can note how all mortally perceivable pursuits, structures and
institutions will in time, lose
their extreme variations, and settle somewhere in the more placid, middle areas of the
Wave Phenomena.

Extremes always herald coming change in the charge of a certain nexus in the Grid, inevitably followed by a leveling-out period in preparation for yet another change.
Men too, are once given to mechanical extremities, but soon fall in the hands of the Philistines-of-familiarity.

(At what age did you shed your extremes and where oh where, did you leave that shocking coat, or dress of many disturbing colors?)

…and Kyroot said:
Anything that Man is driven to say exists, exists, and at its proper
level can be weighed, measured and altered.
This includes those things over which there may be wide spread opposition regarding their very existence, but the debate and conflict is a part of their
very existence.

…and Kyroot said:
There comes the times that This Thing must unfold to the outside,
not in fold on itself.
This is true on the external level of the Group, and on the internal level of you.

5/10/84- (45)
…and Kyroot said:
There is the allure of the new, the grip of the familiar, and
everything, my friends, everything

…and Kyroot said:
Whilst being around ordinary mortals I have had some tell me that they were confounded to try and tell “what I was feeling,” but whereas they feel with ten fingers and one heart, I feel with ten
hearts and one finger.
(Confusing’ ain’t it.)

…and Kyroot said:
All forms of ordinary resistance are but a further settling down
to the comforts of one’s own cell.

…and Kyroot said:
For any of you still doubtful of the power of the past, the strength of that-which-has-already-been, let me ask you this: Why do all great “holy men” have the persistent
inclination to be dead?




Document:  108, May 10, 1984
Copyright(c) Jan M. Cox, 1984

     This Thing has to do with the extreme development of Life which is taking place right now on this planet; in this part of the body of Life through Man, and in Man through his developing Yellow Circuit.

     The kinds of ideas I have recently asked you to Consider — like, “What is an ‘experience’?” and “What could be the purpose of words like ‘although’ and ‘but’?” — are not some verbal game. I am pointing to certain areas you should Neuralize about the nature of ordinary consciousness. For example, you should begin to notice how ordinary consciousness always tries to go down a Straight Line from here to there attempting to find out what caused what.  This is not an attack on the intellectual abilities of humanity.  Those abilities are necessary to build turbines, teach in college, invent, and appear on t.v.  But the Yellow Circuit at Line level is not equipped to have any awareness that, rather than moving in a straight line, things could be described verbally — and quite correctly — as moving circularly.

     Notice also that the Yellow Circuit, like any other ordinary system, cannot see its own point of origin.  Though the Yellow Circuit uses words to construct exemplary models of things, it cannot offer any explanation as to the origins of those words.  Words can explain everything but themselves.

     No ordinary system can describe its homeland.  Throughout history, Man’s religious and mythological stories have told how the gods created the universe.  But who can say where the gods came from?  The modern equivalent to this is contemporary physic’s speculations about the origin of the universe.  Where did the “Big Bang” come from?  It is almost a non-question.

     Yet, it is possible to ignite an area of your nervous system wherein such things are not non-questions. This is never a matter of coming up with verbal answers, though.  Because once you formulate and verbalize an answer, you have fallen back into the Yellow Circuit Straight Line illusion of saying:  “This caused that.”  Such an answer is no longer of any value to you; it can produce nothing extraordinary.  It is merely common knowledge of the type available to today’s ordinary level of awareness.

     I periodically direct your attention to certain words and ask, “Why did this word come about?”  Neuralize the purpose of words.  What possible function, within the general scheme of human activity, could words have?  And what greater, more subtle, faster or slower purpose could they be serving in Life’s body?  What could be the reality behind Man’s Yellow Circuit being driven to isolate occurrences into words, putting a name on everything?

     Don’t take this as an ordinary answer, but from one viewpoint, words can be seen as energy “to go” — just like fast food.  Words are like energy you can take-out; they are portable packages of measurable, moveable energy that can be sent along with someone else or taken along with you.  In order for Life to grow, energy must be transportable, and that is part of the purpose of words.  They are an efficient means of storing energy/information/food so that you don’t have to use it immediately.  You can take the energy of words and store it in what is called memory.  You can pick up “energy to go” in the classroom, and eat it at a more convenient time.  If your best friend describes what to do when your car battery dies, you can take that food along with you and pull it out of your pocket the next time you need to jump-start a car.

     I have often warned you to remember the limitations of words.  Now I am trying to show you, in a certain sense, the other side of that.  There is a specific use for this type of energy packaging. It speeds things up.  Still, you should not forget the captivating aspect of any energy transfer which involves verbalization.  The danger is that, on the ordinary level of consciousness, words do indeed wrap things up.  Verbal energy exchanges go from here to there — they apparently have beginnings and endings.  Such boundaries — such limitations — are the extent of ordinary consciousness.  You might keep in mind my old story of the mind as an electric fence, and when it is asked if it has limits, the energy runs around the entire fence and reports back:  “I see no fence.”

     Another aspect to Consider regarding the nature of ordinary consciousness is the general feeling among people that progress goes hand in hand with a sense of isolation.  “Progress” parallels the development of the Yellow Circuitry and a feeling of individuality among people.  Of course, there are still areas in the body of Life where you can find people living closer to the Red Circuit.  And those people still experience a sense of tribal unity — a kind of collective personality. But notice that in such areas of the world there is no progress in a technical sense.  Tribes (like committees) do not invent anything.  They are still operating at the level of repeating stories about gods living in trees or the dead walking among them.

     There is one particular word I want you to look at now:  “indecision”.  Can you see that indecision is a form of storage?  Indecision is like putting a hold on a possible or potential transfer of energy.  I use the word “indecision” because it is commonly regarded as a non-occurrence.  But there is no such thing as a non-occurrence.  (Parenthetically, I point out to you that if there are non-occurrences, you can’t see them.)  You may think of indecision as doing nothing, but nothing is “nothing”.  Indecision is in some way a transfer of energy.  Indecision is a decision.

     Most of you are aware that for hundreds of years there have been philosophical debates regarding the so-called “Mind-Body Problem”.  Historically, would-be thinkers have divided Man into a body and a spirit or a body and an intellect.  This has served a very particular purpose. There is a physical, chemical basis to the feeling that in some way the knee is different from the brain, because the brain can talk about the knee but the knee cannot talk about the brain.  It is obvious that the Yellow Circuit is the only part of the nervous system that can talk, but this apparent dichotomy goes beyond that.  It has to do with the continuing growth of humanity, reflected in an individual’s growth.

     It is commonly believed that, as you were growing up, what happened to you mind-wise — “psychological traumas” — was in some way separate and more significant than the fact that you had measles or broke your leg when you were five.  All of you have been affected by the ordinarily accepted knowledge that the mind can make the body sick — that there are people who are sick in the head.  This is considered irrefutable, a scientifically proven fact.  Psychiatrists can demonstratively, statistically, clinically “prove it”.  They pinpoint some observable symptom and, when its source cannot be found in the “body”, they proclaim that its cause is “psychological” — in the “mind”.

     Have any of you, on your own, come to the temporary conclusion that there is no such thing as so-called “psychosomatic illness”?  (Unless you are dealing with someone who has been decapitated.)  There is no “up here” (the mind or head) as opposed to “down here” (the body). Yet there is a very real motivation running through Man to describe and to feel himself as a splintered being.  Notice that when people talk about their maladies they say, “The problem’s down here,” or “I think it’s all in my mind.”  Part of what you should be Considering is:  Of what value is this motivation?  What could be the use of this pervasive feeling in my system that the mind is somehow separate from the body?

     On a larger scale, any debate about mind versus body is an aspect of that great old quarrel over environment versus heredity.  Does Johnny always hit his thumb with hammers because his father mistreated him, or are some people just born clumsy?  Environment is like weeds growing in heredity:  they could not survive without heredity; it’s all heredity.  In that same sense — if you can see the connection — you might say that there is a psychology to Man.  But that so-called psychology is — in relation to the total physical being of Man — as environment is to heredity, if it were correctly understood.

     Let’s see if we can move in a circle and go back to where we started but finish in a different place.  Remember my question about, “What is an experience?”  All of you have noticed how at different times you can apparently experience things at a different speed, in a different time or tempo spectrum.  It is as if, on one level of the circuitry, Man reacts with a speed that is demanded by the immediacy of the situation.  Such a reaction appears to result primarily from a direct cause:  you bash your thumb with a hammer and yell, “Ouch!”  In such a situation, there is no doubt that hitting your thumb caused you to curse.

     There are other times when you react more slowly, almost as if you are removed from the situation.  Let’s say you are sitting in a parked car looking out the window and another car pulls up.  The driver hollers, “Hey, buddy, what are you staring at?”  Your immediate reaction can be, “I am blameless!  I was not even looking at him.”  I’m not using the word blameless in a moral sense, but you have the feeling that you are blameless — that you were not actively participating in the scenario.

     But remember there are no non-occurrences.  There is no such thing as “blameless”.  You are an unknowing participant just by being you — just by being there. You have been transferring necessary energy since you were born.  In that sense, no one is praiseworthy, and no one is to blame.  You and whatever is going on are not separate.  It is not that anything or everything specifically was arranged to produce this particular situation of another driver yelling at you.  But it did produce this situation  — and you are not blameless.

     There is built into the Yellow Circuit an inclination to look for the Straight Line phenomenon.  In a sense, Man has a built-in belief that this caused that, somewhere down the line.  But Remember:  Everything happens.  The body of Life is alive; everything is moving in every possible direction.  There is no one thing — and I mean one thing in its infinite sense — that caused that man to yell at you.  The fact that Johnny’s father mistreated him did not cause him to be clumsy. Nothing in the past led in a direct line to Johnny hitting his thumb with the hammer. Everything happens.  That just seemed to have happened to Johnny.  He was equally affected by everything that did not happen to him.  And by everything that happened to everyone else.

     Remember that by attempting to describe this verbally, I am pulling rabbits out of a hat that doesn’t even exist.  So the trick is not to be surprised at the rabbits.  When you believe that you can see the cause of something, remember that you are never reacting — even by ordinary standards — to what is going on right now.  All reactions are delayed reactions — to other people, to Life itself.  Even in those situations where you seem to immediately respond to a direct cause, consciousness is always running a beat behind.

     The Yellow Circuit is the last to know — even when it is apparently an instigator.  What seems to be an immediate reaction at Line level is misdirected because it is tardy.  You are reacting to something that no longer exists.  This is not an attack on ordinary consciousness, because nothing is amiss — you are acting as a conduit for necessary energy.  No one is blameless. There is no way out of this at Line level.  The only way out is to be, at least partially, above the Line, to ignite the higher areas of the nervous system and be conscious as people will be tomorrow.

     Another way to picture this is by visualizing the diagram of the Xross.  You can live in that crack just past where the vertical line crosses the horizontal line of what seems to be now. You can be conscious right in front of “now”.  It is, in a sense, “illegal”; it is unnatural; it is almost impossible.  In the beginning, it makes you feel dizzy; it scares you to death and you don’t know what to do with it.  But you can do it.  You can get right in the crack.  It is, literally, living in tomorrow.

     On an individual basis, this means that you are no longer reacting in a useless, tardy fashion to the past.  At the ordinary level of consciousness, no matter how immediately you react, you are always late.  Above Line level (or, just ahead of the vertical line on the Xross), you are no longer too late.

     I am going to give you a new diagram picturing the three circuitry systems or flows and their areas of influence.  But first, I want to talk a little more specifically about what seems to be the Blue Circuit realm.  Some of you may have noticed that I normally refer mainly to the Red and Yellow Circuits in Man, and say little about the Blue, although I have hinted that there is a reality to Man’s ideas about the strength and importance of real emotion or what would amount to a true creative flow.

     Consider what is called the Arts.  They are like sub-flows within a greater flow of the Three Forces, sketching an ever changing negative outline of things.  Take as examples Jazz music and Modern Art, especially nonrepresentative or abstract art.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with music, let me point out that there is no accepted definition of Jazz.  Likewise, there is no real definition of Modern Art.  No musician, no book, no authority, no committee has ever come up with a suitable definition of what Jazz is or described a sure-fire way to determine if something is Modern Art or just a piece of junk. Here is how it works:  these areas cannot be defined directly, so the definition comes into being by the audience saying what Jazz or Modern Art is not.

     A music critic might say:  “I can’t describe exactly what Jazz is.  But I can tell you, that is not Jazz!”  The same thing goes on in Art criticism.  A particular musician or painter will .parise or fall on the basis of a kind of negative sketch which comes out as the audience saying, “Well, it’s not that!”

     Can you conceive that there is something more significant to this phenomenon than the question of how to tell Jazz from noise and Modern Art from scribbling?  I have described for you the Three Forces, but sometime when you are observing a situation — sensing C Force apparently “pushing” toward something, and D Force wrapping itself around, resisting C Force, and E Force present but unseen  — it will suddenly strike you that the reality of change is not nearly that simplistic.  It is very subtle — there are what could be described as sub-forces, sub-flows continually moving.   Change almost seems to come about through the back door. When you get where you can see that, you are moving into the realm inhabited by the likes of Merlin the Magician.  Because then you can almost trick the flows.  That is, you are moving at a different tempo — faster than Life speed.

     One final note about artists and musicians.  It is common for them to say that they don’t really paint pictures or compose music.  They say that something just seems to run through them and they attempt to put it down on paper.  Have any of you Considered that that is an unknown recognition of the Primal Flow?  It is an outright admission, without the correct understanding, that in a sense they are editing the Primal Flow.  Of course, this is not limited to artists and composers;  it is what personality is.  You could say “I” edits the Primal Flow.

     Here is another aspect of verbal “wrap-ups” and of “experience”:  Nothing ceases to exist.  Do not take this as simply a restatement of the scientific theory that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.  Look beyond such theories.  Look into what would seem to be the singular world of Man and his inventions, his institutions, his so-called psychology, his systems of social intercourse.  It is an ordinarily accepted fact that things sometimes cease to exist.

     Take for example a company that goes out of business.  It apparently ceases to exist.  But what about its ex-employees?  They still exist.  Their memories of the company still exist.  Indeed, whenever they see each other, they talk about the company.  What about their presently available energy that at one time was used up running the company?  It exists.  Or, how about when a relationship between two people “ceases to exist”?  If, indeed, there was any such thing as a “relationship”, where did it go?  It’s a changed form.  But notice that ordinarily people refer to something “ceasing to exist” as a negative statement.  I suggest to you that the appearance of things ceasing to exist is misnamed and mis-thought to be negative.  If you have heard any of this, Remember and Consider:  When something seems to cease to exist, where does it go? And, why is it that I feel this apparent cessation as negative?

     Has it ever occurred to any of you that, from a certain viewpoint, revolution is the name of the game?  Notice that there is widespread interest in revolution among the young, and that it is not dependent on any particular political interest.  I am not talking about politics at all.  That is Life talking about tomorrow — for those who can Hear it.  There are always nineteen year olds somewhere marching and screaming for change.  If you ask an ordinary, older person about this, they will say, “Kids are just nuts.  Kids are crazy and left to their own devices, they’ll destroy everything.”

     Take this up to a larger scale.  The United States could be said to be the fountainhead, the extreme example, of revolution.  But also notice that the United States government has considerable concern now about revolutions going on in other, younger nations.  How could a government that was founded on revolution now have extreme concern over some other group of people even talking about revolution?  A certain shift in the flow has occurred.  The United States is a good example of this, and so is the USSR.

     On the individual level, you can see this happening within yourself.  Who can remember that, at one time, you were a revolution?  Who can feel, not pessimistically but objectively, that you are coming more and more under the grip of an absolute, bullheaded, nonartistic, closed minded tyrant and that you more and more fear other revolutions going on outside your borders?  You see a kid walking down the street with his hair cut strangely and voices in you say, “What nonsense!  That kid should get a job.”

     Consider the movement and growth of Life as a wave phenomenon.  There is no direct flow of waves in a straight line.  The wave phenomenon repeats itself, going in some direction over bodies of water that are constant, and gradually changes the tempo of Life itself.  There are waves of energy called “revolutions”, moving out across the water, changing into something else. What is usually referred to as tyrannical rule in a country could be described as a dramatic reaction to the wave phenomenon in that locale.

     Do any of you have any passing realization of the delicacy, to say the very least, of attempting to ignite higher areas of the nervous system?  Do you have a sense of how the ideas of This Thing must be presented in such a way that they do not produce a tyrannical backlash?  This Thing is about tomorrow, and tomorrow is a revolution — that’s why it’s fun to think about and dream about.  Tomorrow holds the excitement of the new; but you are presently in the grasp of the familiar.  There is an allure to the cry of revolution, whether you are a participant or not.  But the internal dictator — the enthroned, the entrenched, the predictable tyrant — stands ready to enforce the rules.  Habit equals ordinary sanity.  The tyrant’s shackles maintain a kind of functional equilibrium in an ordinary person.

     From one view you could say that a small miraculous change occurs every time you do anything new.  Because daily habits, the large and small responsibilities people have, keep ordinary consciousness in a secure straight-jacket   People complain that they are bored, that they are “victims of habit”, caught up in an unprofitable, inescapable rat race, “the same thing day after day”.  But there is a way in which that keeps them from turning into plasma.  Habit establishes a functional nucleus around which electrons flow and keep “this matter” in shape.

     It would be fair to say that habit equals ordinary consciousness.  A functional equilibrium — a controlled operational sanity — is maintained by habit.  People like to talk and dream about their own revolution (the creative flow is having some affect when a person simply dreams of the fresh and unfamiliar).  But as far as actually Doing It, ordinary people have only one shot.  After that, it may sound like just a situation of, “Well, I’d like to, but I have too much to lose, too many responsibilities.”  The true situation is that they would literally fall apart.

     Putting your own, internal, revolution into action requires a supreme effort.  A revolution that doesn’t die is an impossibility, of course.  In that sense, human life is a tyranny; to try to introduce a revolution that will last long enough to carry you through your lifetime is almost impossible. There will always be, within you, the dictatorial hold of the familiar.  Look how long you have been struggling with the “dictator”.  But also notice that there is a great, great persuasion in you to support such a tyrant.  You can’t excuse it; you can’t suffer over it because it is not your fault — it is a chemical reality.  Remember:  there is no one force moving in isolation.  There is no straight line to Tomorrow.  You will always be operating within the wave phenomenon.

     I am going to introduce a new map.  Keep in mind that whatever people cannot face, they assume is allegory.  Everybody hopes that all the strange and mystical books they read are allegorical, and when you first came in contact with This Thing, you certainly assumed it was allegory.

     There is a mechanical basis in your circuitry for all of your apparently serious dreams of self. The type of dreams you have literally depends on the major spheres of overlapping influence of the Red, the Blue and the Yellow Circuits.  The history of humanity could be considered as the history of interconnected growth and development, in an upward direction, of the three circuits. This historical progression is reflected in an individual human’s growth pattern.  It could be said that humanity has gone through the same periods as you did, growing up.

     Attempting to outline an exact timetable of the development of the circuitry would be trying to travel the Straight Line illusion; evolution did not go from “there” to “here”.  But, in terms of this map, history is divided into three periods: the age of the Barbarian, the age of the Troubadour, and the age of the Philosopher.  The Barbarian refers to an almost totally Red Circuit being. During the age of the Troubadour, Man developed what appears to be the more Blue Circuit characteristics, becoming an artist, a singer, a storyteller.  The age of the Philosopher marks the development of the Yellow Circuit.

     Everyone can find within themselves a focal point in the circuitry where their dreams of self originate.  Consider that your dreams of self come in the form of dreams of the Barbarian, the Troubadour, or the Philosopher:  The Barbarian dreams of greater strength or attractiveness; the Troubadour dreams of attaining love, respect or fame; the Philosopher wishes for superior knowledge and intellectual abilities.  And that about covers it.

 Diagram # 37

Diagram # 37

     This map outlines a human figure.  The Yellow, Blue and Red Circuit spheres of influence are indicated by lines drawn in those colors. The Yellow sphere of influence goes from the top of the head to slightly below the shoulders, where it overlaps the Blue.  The Blue goes from the top of the shoulders, right at the base of the neck, to slightly below the pelvis, where it overlaps the Red.  The Red sphere encompasses the pelvic area and goes to the bottom of the feet.  (Those interested might compare this map to my earlier drawing of the spine and the bridge point openings.)

     Consider that the Red sphere of influence is inhabited by the Barbarian; the Blue sphere by the Troubadour; the Yellow sphere by the Philosopher, and that your dreams of self originate primarily in one of these locales.  That is a fair representation of the history of humanity, and is a living reality in everyone.

     Do not be misled by the apparent simplicity of this map.  It is not just that the Philosopher is working in the head; this is an overlapping series of three spheres of influence.  Consider that the spheres interconnect at certain points and that you can feel this when you talk and move.  If you are talking to a Barbarian, you can feel that affect in your Troubadour and Philosopher zones. Or you might be out at a nightclub, really dancing and having fun, when suddenly somebody you want to impress asks you to dance, and everything shifts.  It is as if the main sphere of influence should be the Barbarian, but the Troubadour — that great singer of songs, dreamer of dreams and teller of tales, has cut in.  If you have any leftover impression of the Barbarian having danced a few seconds before, you know that something is not quite right.

     Observe yourself and other people.  When you are watching people, look at their feet and hips, their hands and shoulders, and then try to notice head movement.  Consider, are you observing a Barbarian, a Troubadour, or a Philosopher?  There is much more to Posture than can ever be detailed.  For example, you may have noticed that this outline of a person does not include the hands.  Hands are tricky insofar as the spheres of influence are concerned, because they can show up in any of the three major spheres.

     Neuralize this map.  It is the history of you.