Jan Cox Talk 0507

Continuing with Complex Consumes the Simple


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June 16, 1989
AKS/News Items = none
Summary =  See Below
Diagrams = Time = Pressure/Intelligence
Transcript = none


Jan Cox Talk 0507 – Jun 16, 1989 – 1:12
Notes by TK

Continuing with the “Complex Consumes the Simple”. The difference between you and Life seems clear-cut; Life is the complex-general while you are the simplistic-specific, and you are consumed by Life. But at the actual individual point of interface with Life (from an enriched point of view, it is possible to be more complex than the prevailing general human inter-face is.

This is where the Real Explorer finds his possibilities. Consider the smaller interface internally with The Dialogue between voices. One voice is more complex than the other; the Real Explorer’s more complex voice must be continually exercised out of its normally latent status; it must be able to consume the simplistic one, the “psychological life” voice, or else being more complex at the individual interface with Life is just a dream. The ‘psychological life’ voice is primitive: easily frightened; easily offended; superstitious; childlike, immature.

When it is allowed to consume the more complex voice, a devolution is taking place. In the equation of Time = Pressure divided by Intelligence, the ‘psychological life’ (limbic-talk) cannot be substituted for Intelligence; it will not divide pressure to increase time. The Real Explorer cannot allow the more primitive parts of himself consume the more complex.

The most complete art form is music, as only it addresses all three of the talk-types: motor, limbic and cortical. The rhythm speaks to the motor-talk; melody speaks to the limbic-talk; lyrics addresses cortical-talk.

A system only takes on a life of its own when it is perceived to be out of control. A man’s personality is such a system. Maximally efficient systems appear out of control; they are more complex. City perception sees it just the opposite however, i.e., greater efficiency resides in the simplifying of behavior. But old intelligence cannot tell what is efficient because it has nothing to compare with.

It cannot tell what is more primitive so as to prevent its consumption of the more complex. Whatever is more efficient is more complex, is stronger and will consume the simple in the long run (beyond the one-lifetime view); it is the essence of growth (and more than that).